Manoj K. Jayan Wallpaper
Birth date : March 15, 1966Birth palce : Kottayam District, Kerala.
Birth Name : Manoj K. Jayan.
Other names : Manoj Kadampoothramadam Jayan.
Residence : Kochi, Kerala, India
Religion : Hindu.(tamil).
Age : 48
Height : 1.83 m
Weight : 69kg.
Zodiac Sign : Cancer
Father's Name : K.G. Jayan.
Mother's Name : V. K. Sarojini.
sibling(s) : Biju K. Jayan(brother).
Spouse(s) : Asha Jayan, Urvashi
Children/s : Tejalakshmi, Amrit.
Occupation : Actor.
T.v. Shows : Samaganam, Kumilakal, Devamanohari Nee.
Famous Film: Bheebhatsa, UgraNarasimha, Souryam, Sari Gama Lu, Veede, Billa II, Lokpal, Souryam, Sudesi, Thalapathi, Aanai, Dhool, Azhagesan, Thimiru, Thooval Kattu
Seniors, Ellam Avan Seyal, Mallu Singh, Thee, Ente Sonia, Perumthachan, Chanchattam,Gazal, Ekantham , O' Faby, Koottu, Palayam, Prempujari, Agrajan, Vaachalam, Pallivathuckal, Photographer, Mayavi Thommichan, Ennittum more...
Awards : Film Artsclub Award, Film Critics Award, Kerala State Film Award (Second Best Actor), Film Artsclub Award, Variety Cinema Award (Best Villain), Film Critics Award (Best Actor), Madras Lion's Club Award, Asia vision award (Special Jury Award), IMAQ Award (Versatile Actor), Film Chamber Award, Sathyan Smaraka Award (Best Supporting Actor), South Scope Cine Awards (Best Supporting Actor) etc.

"Manoj K. Jayan" is a very wonderful personality throughout his film career he played a tremendous role in all fields such as comedian villan hero drama and also in all types of negative and positive roles. He is very honest to his work. Any of his tremendous films when comes in mind all make us happy sad and proud. All his movies makes him a very huge personality. He always did the full disambiguation with all his roles offered to him. He is also very successfull in both his social and his personal life. His name will remains in golden words always in bollywood history.
Recent Tag : Manoj K. Jayan, Manoj K. Jayan life history, Manoj K. Jayan films, Manoj K. Jayan Best movies, Manoj K. Jayan birth detail, Manoj K. Jayan date of birth, Manoj K. Jayan image.
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